I missed you guys!

08 Feb, 2021

OK, I think the less is more approach is really less and not more.  I re-read a few of my posts from the start of this thing and I realized how much I had already forgotten.  And how much I missed expressing myself here, whether anyone is reading or not (Greg).  So, I’m back baby.  I’ll try to temper the two extremes: wiring every day, and not writing unless there is something I’m sure is amazing, because I think there is a lot of value in the in-between.

So much to report.  Since I last offered a dispatch I have:

  • Completed a latent (long-paused) chair project worthy of its own post
  • Attended my first meeting of the BayAreaWoodWorkers and heard an awesome lecture from long-time contributing editor to FWW, Rollie Johnson, also gets it own post
  • Experimented with different coloring techniques including, dye, stain over shellac, oxidation, as well as begun playing around with bent laminations
  • Made a selection of birdhouses (i know, right? It really is for the birds, or is it for the woodworker?)
  • Arranged a bulk trash pick-up and grew my “shop space” by about 20%
  • Started another round of WoodTech classes at Laney College here in Oakland
  • Started an Instagram account for woodworking efforts & marketing generally
  • Began development of a project proposal template for use in commercial endeavors
  • Discovered Mortise&Tennon Magazine
  • A bunch more little things I’m sure I’m forgetting.

Anyway, keep reading dear reader.  More to come. Oh and, I burned a bunch of slack days.  Happy to report that only one was due to a hangover. 59 Slack-days left.